Investor Relations

Listing Information


Man Infraconstruction Limited made an Initial Public Offering (IPO) of 56,25,204 equity shares of Rs. 10/- each for cash at a price of Rs. 252/- per equity share aggregating Rs. 141.76 crore. The IPO received an overwhelming response and was oversubscribed more than 60 times. The equity shares were allotted on March 4, 2010 and were listed on the National Stock Exchange of India Limited and the Bombay Stock Exchange Limited on March 11, 2010.

National Stock Exchange of India Ltd."Exchange Plaza",
Plot No. C/1, G - Block Bandra-Kurla Complex Bandra (East) Mumbai - 400 051 India

Bombay Stock Exchange Limited
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Dalal Street Mumbai - 400 001 India


Exchange Name Stock Code
The Stock Exchange, Mumbai 533169
National Stock Exchange of India Limited MANINFRA
Bloomberg MINF IN
Reuters MANI.BO